Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Everything is Possible When You Believe

Friday, February 5, 2010

Short Story: Philophobia

(Fear of Falling in love)

Loathing eyes, looking, staring. When will this end? Sydnea Romirez asked as she move swiftly out of the open pavement into their home where there is no more people that could see her ugly face. Sydnea went straight to the comfort room, washed her face with the newest facial wash that her mother gave her. After rinsing all the lather from her face, she slowly raised her head, her eyes slowly became fixed with her reflection in the mirror. She felt a shudder starting from the base of her spine, upward. The face staring straight into her eyes, the face, a very horrible face! Ugly... too much ugliness! She abhorred it. She grab the mirror and throw it towards the wall. She retreated towards her room, crying, burying herself underneath her blue colored blanket.
Cacophobia, fear of ugliness, a condition that most people suffered from, however, Sydnea's experiencing the extreme form of phobia. Lately she even developed spectrophobia, or the fear of someone's reflection in the mirror. She is afraid because she doesn't want to see her ugly face. In reality, Sydnea Romirez wasn't ugly, she's pretty, but she wasn't aware of that. Ever since Renz Guitterez throw her love letter into the trash saying that the one who gave him the letter was "monstrous" and an "ugly pig", Sydnea lost her confidence. As years passed, she developed her phobia.
Mrs. Romirez staired at the 5th mirror that was shuttered for this month. After Sydnea's high school graduation, she acted weirder and weirder everyday. Her obsession in beauty products becomes more severe. She keeps asking her mother to buy different things, because if not she'll remain ugly. At first, Mrs. Romirez inferred that this is just due to the increasing demand of beauty products in teenage years. A normal reaction of a youth. However, the events she is seeing now is definitely not normal. No normal teenage girl will act this way. Not as extreme as this.

The door bell rang frantically outside. Sydnea doesn't want to check who the visitor was but she had no choice, nobody is home but herself. She hide her anguish and gathered herself as she stood at her feet. She slowly and grimly opened the door.
"What do you want?" she said without looking at the person standing outside.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but is this the house of Esmeralda Romirez?"

To be continued....

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