Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Everything is Possible When You Believe

Friday, February 12, 2010

Literary: Pleonexia

Art by: KVDR

Ardently flowing through men’s vein;
A reality of the impious’ reign;
The desire of their hearts which is driving them insane;
Fettering innocent beings, locking them in pain!

Wanting more and more than they ought to have,
Frenzied by their greed and peculiar love;
Slaying families and friends just to obtain intensity;
When would these men end their cupidity?

I’m sick of watching their treachery.
This world when will it be set freed?
Free from the lustful whim and fantasy,
Away from the hands of those who only wishes luxury!

Alas! I hallooed thee! Open your eyes; let your gaze widen.
Look at these actors who glazed themselves with follies of a new Eden;
Spreading lies just to get the darkest desires of their vicious hearts;
Oh it’s Pleonexia! One of the devil’s ghastly arts!

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