Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Everything is Possible When You Believe

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Sotto Voce

By: K.V.D.R.

My sonata of love is ready to be played

Movements are exquisite, it’s soothingly made.

The somniferous notes delivered by my soul

Is just for you all!

You’ve taken my heart

Flaring up my skill of art

My love for you is my haven.

A smile from you is like heaven.

You’re the blood flowing in my vein,

The nepenthe that makes me forgets my pain.

The water which restores life,

Oh darling, why can’t I be your wife?

I think I can’t leave without you,

This is all so true!

Living without you is like a night without the moon,

Like a flower who forgot how to bloom.

It’s like chartreuse without basil,

A clandestine letter without its seal,

A guillotine without its hungry blades

Alas! Without you, my life will surely fade.

These notes continued to merge with the air

With the loneliness I couldn’t bear,

My composition is to be played as you sleep

‘Coz in the realm of dreams, my heart won’t be ripped.

Tonight, as you close your eyes,

I’ll confess my feelings, even if it’ll be forgotten by sunrise.

“I love you,” my sotto voce, my soft hymn;

‘Coz for you to love me back is my absurd whim.

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