Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Everything is Possible When You Believe

Short Stories and Poems


The ravishing composition which had remained undone;
was originally created to catch the heart of someone.
But as the notes were played in the goddess’ instrument,
Soothing sentiment was replaced by torment
Hearing the serene makes one man bleed.
It’s like a sharp-edge sword, which death it just might lead;
Being entrapped in the measure, notes sucking thy heart;
A hymn which is death’s art.
Anguish echoed as it plays continuously
Besmirching names like endless valley
Death is approaching, oh so madly!
Alas! Requiem is starting, it’s the reaper’s melody.

Lethal Disease
By Vyrra

Loving you is a disease
A reality that I couldn’t seize
How I wish I could eradicate it with a sneeze
But all I can do is to serve you my liege!

The pain of losing you radiates up to my shoulders
It’s like losing a fight with fatal invaders
My blood lost all its soldiers
And yet my love for you just gets on growing bolder.

Obsessive thoughts of you is a mortal sin
But I can’t control the fall of my serotonin
Even if thinking of you is like injecting bradykinin
Straight into the heart causing pain within.

My love for you is like cancer
A site without you is like not seeing matter.  
Your smile gives me a ventricular tachycardia
Darling, your touch gives me amnesia!

When can I have a curing medicine?
Or even an effective vaccine?
Darling can’t you see I’m already dying
Due to this lethal disease that is not my wanting.

Sotto Voce
By: K.V.D.R.
My sonata of love is ready to be played
Movements are exquisite, it’s soothingly made.
The somniferous notes delivered by my soul
Is just for you all!

You’ve taken my heart
Flaring up my skill of art
My love for you is my haven.
A smile from you is like heaven.

You’re the blood flowing in my vein,
The nepenthe that makes me forgets my pain.
The water which restores life,
Oh darling, why can’t I be your wife?

I think I can’t leave without you,
This is all so true!
Living without you is like a night without the moon,
Like a flower who forgot how to bloom.

It’s like chartreuse without basil,
A clandestine letter without its seal,
A guillotine without its hungry blades
Alas! Without you, my life will surely fade.

These notes continued to merge with the air
With the loneliness I couldn’t bear,
My composition is to be played as you sleep
‘Coz in the realm of dreams, my heart won’t be ripped.

Tonight, as you close your eyes,
I’ll confess my feelings, even if it’ll be forgotten by sunrise.
“I love you,” my sotto voce, my soft hymn;
‘Coz for you to love me back is my absurd whim.


Distant Memory

It’s Friday the 13th, Christopher Dela Cruz and his friends planned a vacation in the farm of Sheila’s colleague, Ren. In the whole night of the trip, the moon’s gaze was foiled by the dark clouds making the pavement ahead hard to identify. Christopher, together with Jenny, Raul, and Gerard were all past asleep. Sheila is at the wheel; she was troubled as she scanned the map. After a few moments the car stopped moving causing the others to wake up.
“Hey! What’s going on?” ask the confused Raul.
“I’m very sorry but we have run out of fuel.” Sheila said uneasily.
“Sheila tell me, how far are we from your colleague’s farm?” Jenny asked.
“That’s our second problem-” Sheila sighed.
“What do you mean?” Christopher asked.
“Don’t tell me we’re…” Raul suddenly realized they where lost. He looked at Sheila and she nodded. The others panicked from the fact that they were lost in an unfamiliar place. They have no choice than to leave the car and look for shelter near by. They are entering in a gloomy woods and no one was sure if they would be able to find any house around.
“Does anyone of you recognize this place?” Sheila asked them as she glance around the place.
“Nah! Actually, we should be the one who have to ask that to you!” Raul chided.
“Yah! I know! I’m sorry.” Sheila said disappointedly.
Christopher’s eyes grew wider because of disbelief, or maybe fear. “Wait, this place… This is…”
Jenny noticed that Christopher was slightly shaking. She’s not sure what it meant, so she asked him, “What’s the matter Christopher? Is something wrong?”
Christopher didn’t answer her.
“Chris …”
Gerard pointed his fingers to a house nearby, “Hey looked, there’s a house just above the cliff!”
The others were relieved because of the house. They thought Friday the 13th wasn’t that bad at all. But Christopher thought otherwise. He looked anxious. Jenny was sure something is bothering Christopher. But she wasn’t sure how she could ask Christopher about it.
“Wai… Wait…” Christopher’s voice seems scared.
“What’s the matter? Come on! Will you stay here outside? It’s cold you know!” Raul commented.
Christopher shake his head slowly, showing that he is not at ease with Raul’s idea, “You… you don’t understand! That house, it shouldn’t be standing there. It can’t be!”
“What do you mean?”
“Raul, that house… it should be…”
Gerard check the door. He was pleased when he discovered that the door was open, “Hey guys look it’s open! Let’s go inside!” He went inside the house and Sheila followed him. Raul entered into the house as well as the temperature outside continued to drop. Kaoru was getting cold and she was sure that Christopher was cold as well. She grabs his hand and she pulled him into the house. “Christopher doesn’t feel at ease with this house, that’s for sure!” Jenny told herself.
The gang lighted a candle and placed it in the table. Sheila was tired that’s why she decided to take a bath. She told Gerard to heat the water for her. The youngest member of the group has no choice than to follow her.
“Why am I always following her?” yawned Gerard.
“Have any problems with that?” Sheila said in a spooking voice.
“Ah… no… none! Really!” Gerard said as he transferred the lukewarm water in the tub.
Sheila was pleased with the relaxing feeling of the warm water in the tub, but suddenly she felt an eerie feeling. She can feel something cold at her back crawling into her spine. Her hair rose on end. She just closed her eyes and thought it was just nothing, but it wasn’t. As she opened her eyes she saw a lady all dress in white floating near the door. The lady’s head was bowed and her long hair covered her face. Sheila didn’t know what to do. Then the lady disappeared but still Sheila is in a stupor. She didn’t move a bit. Then finally she managed to moved, she immediately grabbed her towel and put it on and she hurried outside.
“There is… There is…”
“Sheila, what’s wrong? You looked like you’ve seen a ghost.” Jenny asked.
“Ye…yes! A ghost! In the bathroom!” Sheila’s voice is really scared.
“Pretty pathetic Sheila! I thought doctors don’t believe in superstitions.” Raul teased Sheila but instead of arguing, she just give him a glanced full of terror.
“I’m… I’m not trying to playing a joke with you guys! I know what I saw!” Sheila defended herself.
Gerard ran into the dinning room with his curiosity about the commotion. Sheila told him what had happened but he the brave young man just laughed.
“A ghost huh? I don’t think there is any ghost in this place! They’ll probably get scared because of me.” Gerard laughed
Sheila was so spooked that she can’t scold at the boys who don’t believe her. Jenny saw the fear in her friend’s eyes that is why she believed her. And besides, Sheila is a brave woman; the only reason why she’ll be that scared is because she saw something not human.
“Now, now! Enough of that! We should all take a sleep.” Raul said.
They looked at the closet and they only found 2 mattresses. So the boys will just sleep in the floor while the girls will use the mattresses. Gerard thought it wasn’t fair but he was afraid with Jenny so he just agreed with her. Christopher, who had become silent since they entered the house, closed the window and doused the candle off.
“Good night everyone!” Raul said as he comfortably laid his tired body on the floor.
Everyone fell asleep easily because they were pretty tired. Then suddenly a ghost appeared in front of them. She was staring at everyone. The ghost presence seemed to have woken Christopher, for he slowly opened his eyes. As he does, the ghost vanished. Christopher stood up and went out. As he glanced at the house from the outside, he told himself “This house doesn’t change a bit. It was just like it wasn’t flared with fire. But that’s pretty weird. And the ghost Sheila was talking about earlier, could it be… could it be her?”
Jenny woke up and she searched for Christopher, but he was not in the house. She went outside and saw him there so she walked towards his location.
“Christopher … What’s the matter? You start to act weird when we arrived here.”
“Don’t worry about me Jenny! It’s just that…”
Gerard’s screamed stopped what his saying. Jenny and Christopher exchanged glances as they gathered enough epinephrine to run inside the house to check what’s happening.
“What’s the matter Gerard? Why did you scream?” Jenny asked worriedly.
“I… I heard something move over there.” Gerard, who is shaking in fear, pointed over the chimney.
“Goodness! Maybe it is just a rat!” the irritated Raul exclaimed.
“Oh yah! I didn’t think about that!” Gerard laughed as he scratched his head.
Then the window suddenly opened and closes continuously. But there is no wind outside. This gives the gang the creeps. They decided to live the house and to go back to their car. Sheila rummaged her pocket vigorously, in an attempt to look for the car’s keys, but, it’s not there!
“Damn! The keys aren’t in my pocket! Is it in anyone’s pocket?” Sheila said as she panicked.
The gang couldn’t find the keys in their pockets or bags that’s why they realized that the keys must be left in the house.
“We should go back to the house and look for the keys.” Jenny said trying not to look so scared.
“Wha… what? You want us to go back to that creepy house? Can we just wait till morning comes?” Gerard pleaded. The majority agreed with this idea as they thought that being outside in the cold night is much better than staying in a warm haunted house.
“I think Jenny’s right! We should go back there. And besides it’s 1 am, the sun will come up soon.” Christopher said as Jenny glanced at him warily. The others thought it’s not a good idea.
“But Christopher … that house… it’s haunted!”
“Gerard we need to find the keys or else we wont be able to go back home!” Christopher said with a slight anger in his tone. The others don’t know where his sudden anger comes from. Without any choice, they followed him back into the house.
“Hey Sheila! Did you remember where you’ve placed the key?” Christopher ask her.
“Not really! But I think its in the…” Her face suddenly became ashen white as she thought of the place where she might leave the key. “…Bathroom!”
“Is that so? But we are not sure of that right?” Christopher clarified to Sheila who nodded as a sign of yes.
“If that’s the case, we should take groups. Raul, come with Sheila. Check the bathroom!”
“Gerard and Jenny, search this room ok! I’ll go at the kitchen to look for the key.”
“But Christopher … You’ll be alone. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Jenny, don’t worry too much. You know how I can handle myself.” Christopher went out of the room; Sheila and Raul went to the bathroom to search for the keys. But the keys weren’t there so they decided to search in the other rooms. Raul went out safely but when Sheila was about to go out the door shot closed and they can’t open it.
“Raul helped me… I’m scared!” she cried with fear.
“Sheila, stay away from the door. I’ll try to ruin it.” Sheila did what Raul had instructed her to do. The brave man prepared to bang the door, but when he is about to bang the door, it opened and Raul flew straight to the tub. Sheila ran towards his location and assessed his current condition.
“You seemed fine but are you ok?“
“I guess so, I was about to bang the door but it opened by itself. I think the ghost was playing a joke with as. Don’t you think?”
“I think you’re right!”
Jenny and Gerard began their search in the place where they slept, but even though they have searched madly, still they’ve found nothing!
“Found anything Jenny?”
“Nah! It’s not here!”
Gerard tried to open a certain drawer, but it took him lot of strength to open the drawer. He found ribbons and perfume inside it.
“Hey are these things yours?” Gerard asked as he showed the ribbons and the perfume.
“No, maybe it’s Sheila’s.”
Gerard smelled the perfume then he stared blankly at Jenny.
“Wow that perfume smell’s nice. Umm… I guess it’s white palm.” She looked at Gerard, “Hey what’s the matter?”
“Sheila’s not using a perfume like this! She hated white palm!” Gerard said, terrified.
“You...You’re right!”
The window robustly opened again making the two to jump in fear. Cold breeze entered the room as the door suddenly opened making the two to scream to death.
“Hey! Don’t be afraid! It’s just me and Raul.” Sheila said as both her and Raul entered in the bedroom.
Jenny took deep breaths before she finally managed to say, “Oh… have you found it?”
“Not yet! But you know, another eerie experience happened in the bathroom.”
The window closed again and the gang’s hair rose at the end as they heard a terrifying voice.
The others don’t know what to do. They are pretty scared of the ghost.
“” repeated the ghost as she slowly floats near them.
“Stop where you are! Don’t go near us, you… Ghost!” Gerard growled. The ghost stopped moving as she stared at him. The young man excreted cold sweat and swallowed hard.
“Whe…re is…” the ghost uttered as she makes the things in the room floats.
Everyone screamed. Christopher heard them and he hurried to go to their location. He opened the door and he saw the transparent ghost. The ghost looked at him and slowly, the ghost became solid. She dropped the floating things.
“Chris….topher...” whispered the ghost. Christopher recognized her as his tears start to fall down hard.
“Ta…Tamara…” Christopher sighed. Tamara’s soul approaches Christopher. Her hand reached out to Christopher’s face and he felt the cold yet gentle caress on his left cheek.
“Christopher…I… I’ve been waiting…just for you! I’ve been waiting for your return… but you… but you never come back. You…forget all about me!”
“I’m…sorry Tamara…I didn’t… I didn’t mean to… I just… I just can’t come back here to face the pain that this place had given me. And you… you know how much I loved you… Tamara…that’s true! But… but…”
“Ssshhh… It’s okay… I understand you my love. Just remember I’ll always love you no matter what…” Tamara kissed Christopher on the lips. He felt this chill in his lips. Well that’s natural because Tamara’s already dead, and the one who kissed him is just a soul. Tamara’s soul vanished in midair. Christopher collapse in his feet as his tears burst out harder. The others don’t know what to say. They were left into a stupor. Jenny approaches Christopher and hugs him.
